WDFPF Philosophy and Mission
The WDFPF was created in 1988 specifically as a drug-free alternative international platform – in order to provide fair competition world-wide for those powerlifters who wish to train and compete without performance-enhancing drugs.
This remains as important today as it was when the Federation came into being.
In pursuit of this objective the WDFPF has adopted the most rigorous drug control procedures in the world.
That same rigour is demanded of all those national organizations affiliated to the WDFPF, as a pre-condition of their registration with the world body. Ours is the only international organization which makes such demands of its members, and this is the true measure of our dedication to the drug-free principle.
We firmly believe that there are powerlifters in every part of the world who are sympathetic to the ideals of the WDFPF.
Moreover, we believe that drug-free lifters belong in a drug-free organization. It is our mission to develop the sport for our members, to reach out to drug-free powerlifters everywhere, and to increase our international base by bringing them into the WDFPF – where they can be assured that there exists a genuine commitment from all concerned to provide for fair powerlifting competition free from the use of drugs.
The ultimate success of drug-free powerlifting depends on those who share our ideals being dedicated – not only to the principle of drug-free competition – but to the success of those genuine drug-free organizations which exist to achieve these objectives. Accordingly we welcome all lifters and officials around the world who subscribe to the ideals of the WDFPF, to join our world-wide body and work with us to turn our aspirations into reality.

World Congress Friday 1st November 2024 Irish Resort, Emerald Village, Cape Cod Boston USA
Wim Backelant – President WDFPF
Neil Thomas – Vice President WDFPF
Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium
Apologies: France, Germany, Russia, Ireland, Moldova, Italy, Switzerland, Estonia, Ukraine, Sardinia.
Item 1
WB – Thanks for attending the Congress and to the committee for their continued support, noting the absence of Yulia Segal and Ann Thomas due to other commitments. Huge thank you to USA for the upcoming event.
WB – It was noted that there were not enough members for a quorum so topics discussed, where required, would need a future vote by ballot to enact anything outside of the remit of the WDFPF Exec Committee.
WB- Welcomed Australia to the congress and asked them to say a few words. SH provided the history as to why they were joining the WDFPF and its excitement about being a member and hosting future championships.
WB – All fees were indicated as paid
Item 2
Events for 2025/26
European Full Power – Bid from Ireland for Belfast, Date TBC, observations were made regarding the assurance of a suitable venue and equipment prior to any agreement to host by Ireland, more details to follow.
World Single Lifts – Italy, Near Rome Provisional dates 13/14/15 June 25 – Agreed in principle.
World Full Power, France, Near Paris November 25 dates TBC – Agreed In principle.
European Single Lifts, STILL OPEN: Nations can come forward until 31 december 2024
Alternative : Belgium, Antwerp Sept / Oct 2025
World Full Power, Australia, Gold Cost dates TBC – agreed in principle.
Item 3
Discussion points from Nations.
USA raised the question regarding minimum qualification lifts for each discipline as opposed to a total. The positive and negative aspects were discussed in relation to lifters and to the number of lifters present at international events given the requirement.
NT responded indicating that extensive data had been used to consider the minimum lifts and therationale behind the implementation. The world standard is just that and any lifter not able to make a particular discipline requirement, can participate in the World Single Lifts. Setting a minimum standard for a World Level event at each discipline ensures credibility and champions personal development within the sport. Following a prolonged discussion all were in agreement as to how the standard was attained, why it was required and the necessity to maintain the current method as a datum for world level events.
USA – Clarification was requested on what the difference between a guest and an injured lifter was. WDFPF Committee to provide clarification in the 2025 rule book.
USA – Allowance of guest lifters to allow a championship to be financially viable. WDFPF Committee to provide clarification in the 2025 rule book.
CANADA – The introduction of a North American Championship and the ability to hold events in the same manner as the European events. NT from the WDFPF indicated that this has always been the case and that any such events must meet the rules of the WDFPF, it was also indicated that the potential for other events such as Oceania/Pacific or similar worded championships could be undertaken by member nations to promote the sport and provide additional competitive platforms. WDFPF Exec to highlight this is the rule book for 2025.
AUS – The introduction of local rules to supplement safety, in terms of lowering of the bar under control on the deadlift. This was seen a as general point and the enforcement of the bar needing to be returned to the floor under control – WDFPF Exec top ensure rulebook appropriately describes the conduct of the lift.
GBR – Clarification of what constitutes a belly press is required. The rule book wording in ambiguous and needs to be more specific. This was agreed along with the need for the pre-event referees brief at championships to highlight performance standards, so all are coherent on standards.
Sincerely Yours,
WDFPF President
Wim Backelant
WDFPF Board members

Wim Backelant
Winkelstap 25
2900 Schoten

Neil Thomas
Mobile: 07780016652
Secretary General

Yulia Segal
Mobile: 7-921-33-33-201
10-201 Industrialny pr.
St Petersburg 195426

Ann Thomas
Mobile: 07920226407

Officials 2019 WC POW Halle Ger
News item from WDFPF Executive Committee
Upcoming matches...
All calendar information here...

Competitions international:
26-27 April 2025 EC Powerlifting, Belfast, Ireland
13 – 15 June 2025 WC Single, Italy, Rome
20-21 September 2025 EC Single, Belgium, Antwerpen (Fort van Merksem )
8-9 or 15-16 November 2025 WC Powerlifting, Congress, France, Paris